
Used by
Element serviceFAReferral / ServiceFAReferralID
Reference to the Services' unique ID
Diagram HUD_HMIS_xsd_Simple_Type_string32.tmp#string32
Type string32
content simple
maxLength 32
<xs:element name="ServiceFAReferralID" type="hmis:string32">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Reference to the Services' unique ID</xs:documentation>
Element serviceFAReferral / ProjectEntryID
Key reference to the Enrollment
Diagram HUD_HMIS_xsd_Simple_Type_string32.tmp#string32
Type string32
content simple
maxLength 32
<xs:element name="ProjectEntryID" type="hmis:string32">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Key reference to the Enrollment</xs:documentation>
Element serviceFAReferral / DateProvided
See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.1.
Type xs:date
content simple
<xs:element name="DateProvided" type="xs:date">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.1.</xs:documentation>
Element serviceFAReferral / RecordType
The permissible values correspond to the decimal values of the corresponding Service FA Referral and Contact types.  4.12 Contact is "12", 4.14 Services Provided is "14X", 4.15 Financial Assistance is "15X", 4.16 Referrals Provided is "16X", Bed Night is "200", and is HUD-VASH OTH voucher tracking "210".
Diagram HUD_HMIS_xsd_Simple_Type_recordType.tmp#recordType
Type recordType
content simple
enumeration 12
enumeration 141
PATH service
enumeration 142
RHY service
enumeration 143
HOPWA service
enumeration 144
SSVF service
enumeration 151
HOPWA financial assistance
enumeration 152
SSVF financial assistance
enumeration 161
PATH referral
enumeration 162
RHY referral
enumeration 200
Bed night
enumeration 210
Bed night
<xs:element name="RecordType" type="hmis:recordType">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">The permissible values correspond to the decimal values of the corresponding Service FA Referral and Contact types. 4.12 Contact is "12", 4.14 Services Provided is "14X", 4.15 Financial Assistance is "15X", 4.16 Referrals Provided is "16X", Bed Night is "200", and is HUD-VASH OTH voucher tracking "210".</xs:documentation>
Element serviceFAReferral / TypeProvided
See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.2 (picklist values vary by service category and funder).
In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 12 (Contact Location 4.12.2):
						1 = Place not meant for habitation
						2 = Service setting, non-residential
						3 = Service setting, residential
						99 = Data Not Collected
						In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 141 (PATH Services 4.14.A):
						PATH Services
						1 = Re-engagement
						2 = Screening
						3 = Habilitation/rehabilitation
						4 = Community mental health
						5 = Substance use treatment
						6 = Case management
						7 = Residential supportive services
						8 = Housing minor renovation
						9 = Housing moving assistance
						10 = Housing eligibility determination
						11 = Security deposits
						12 = One-time rent for eviction prevention
						14 = Clinical assessment
						99 = Data Not Collected
						In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 142 (RHY Services 4.14.B):
						1 = Basic support services
						2 = Community service/service learning (CSL)
						3 = Counseling/therapy
						4 = Dental care
						5 = Education
						6 = Employment and training services
						7 = Criminal justice /legal services
						8 = Life skills training
						9 = Parenting education for parent of youth
						10 = Parenting education for youth with children
						11 = Peer (youth) counseling
						12 = Post-natal care
						13 = Pre-natal care
						14 = Health/medical care 
						15 = Psychological or psychiatric care
						16 = Recreational activities
						17 = Substance abuse assessment and/or treatment
						18 = Substance abuse prevention
						19 = Support group
						20 = Preventative – overnight interim, respite
						21 = Preventative – formal placement in an alternative setting outside of BCP
						22 = Preventative – entry into BCP after preventative services
						23 = Street outreach – health and hygiene products distributed
						24 = Street outreach – food and drink items
						25 = Street outreach – services information/brochures
						99 = Data Not Collected

						In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 143 (HOPWA Services 4.14.C):
						1 Adult day care and personal assistance
						2 Case management
						3 Child care
						4 Criminal justice/legal services
						5 Education
						6 Employment and training services
						7 Food/meals/nutritional services
						8 Health/medical care
						9 Life skills training
						10 Mental health care/counseling
						11 Outreach and/or engagement
						12 Substance abuse services/treatment
						13 Transportation
						14 Other HOPWA funded service
						99 Data Not Collected
						In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 144 (SSVF Services 4.14.D):
						1 Outreach services
						2 Case management services
						3 Assistance obtaining VA benefits
						4 Assistance obtaining/coordinating other public benefits
						5 Direct provision of other public benefits
						6 Other (non-TFA) supportive service approved by VA
						99 Data Not Collected
						In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 151 (Financial Assistance - HOPWA Services 4.15.A):
						1 Rental assistance [collect for PHP and STRMU]
						2 Security deposits [collect for PHP]
						3 Utility deposits [collect for PHP]
						4 Utility payments [collect for PHP and STRMU]
						7 Mortgage assistance [collect for STRMU]
						99 Data Not Collected
						In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 152 (Financial Assistance – SSVF 4.15.B):
						1 Rental assistance
						4 Utility fee payment assistance
						2 Security deposit
						3 Utility deposit
						5 Moving costs
						8 Transportation services: tokens/vouchers
						9 Transportation services: vehicle repair/maintenance
						10 Child Care
						11 General housing stability assistance - emergency supplies
						12 General housing stability assistance - other
						14 Emergency housing assistance
						99 Data Not Collected
						In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 161 (Referrals Provided – PATH 4.16.A):
						1 Community Mental Health
						2 Substance Use Treatment
						3 Primary Health/ Dental Care
						4 Job Training
						5 Educational Services
						6 Housing Services
						11 Temporary Housing
						7 Permanent Housing
						8 Income Assistance
						9 Employment Assistance
						10 Medical Insurance
						99 Data Not Collected
						In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 162 (Referrals Provided - RHY 4.16.B):
						1 Child Care Non-TANF
						2 Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (Food Stamps)
						3 Education – McKinney/Vento Liaison Assistance to Remain in School
						4 HUD Section 8 or Other Permanent Housing Assistance
						5 Individual Development Account
						6 Medicaid
						7 Mentoring Program Other than RHY Agency
						8 National Service (Americorp, VISTA, Learn and Serve)
						9 Non-Residential Substance Abuse or Mental Health Program
						10 Other Public – Federal, State, or Local Program
						11 Private Non-profit Charity or Foundation Support
						12 SCHIP
						13 SSI, SSDI, or other Disability Insurance
						14 TANF or other Welfare/Non-Disability Income Maintenance (all TANF Services)
						15 Unemployment Insurance
						16 WIC
						17 Workforce Development (WIA)
						99 Data Not Collected
						In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 200 (Services Provided - Bed-night Date 4.14E):
						200	BedNight
						99 Data Not Collected
						In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 210 (Services Provided - HUD-VASH OTH voucher tracking 4.50.1):
						4.50.1 VoucherTracking
						Value Text
						1 Referral package forwarded to PHA
						2 Voucher denied by PHA
						3 Voucher issued by PHA
						4 Voucher revoked or expired
						5 Voucher in use – veteran moved into housing
						6 Voucher was ported locally
						7 Voucher was administratively absorbed by new PHA
						8 Voucher was converted to Housing Choice Voucher
						9 Veteran exited – voucher was returned
						10 Veteran exited – family maintained the voucher
						11 Veteran exited – prior to ever receiving a voucher
						12 Other
						99 = Data Not Collected
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
pattern ([\-+]?[0-9]+) & ([0-9]{1,3})
<xs:element name="TypeProvided">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.2 (picklist values vary by service category and funder).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 12 (Contact Location 4.12.2): 1 = Place not meant for habitation 2 = Service setting, non-residential 3 = Service setting, residential 99 = Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 141 (PATH Services 4.14.A): PATH Services 1 = Re-engagement 2 = Screening 3 = Habilitation/rehabilitation 4 = Community mental health 5 = Substance use treatment 6 = Case management 7 = Residential supportive services 8 = Housing minor renovation 9 = Housing moving assistance 10 = Housing eligibility determination 11 = Security deposits 12 = One-time rent for eviction prevention 14 = Clinical assessment 99 = Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 142 (RHY Services 4.14.B): 1 = Basic support services 2 = Community service/service learning (CSL) 3 = Counseling/therapy 4 = Dental care 5 = Education 6 = Employment and training services 7 = Criminal justice /legal services 8 = Life skills training 9 = Parenting education for parent of youth 10 = Parenting education for youth with children 11 = Peer (youth) counseling 12 = Post-natal care 13 = Pre-natal care 14 = Health/medical care 15 = Psychological or psychiatric care 16 = Recreational activities 17 = Substance abuse assessment and/or treatment 18 = Substance abuse prevention 19 = Support group 20 = Preventative – overnight interim, respite 21 = Preventative – formal placement in an alternative setting outside of BCP 22 = Preventative – entry into BCP after preventative services 23 = Street outreach – health and hygiene products distributed 24 = Street outreach – food and drink items 25 = Street outreach – services information/brochures 99 = Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 143 (HOPWA Services 4.14.C): 1 Adult day care and personal assistance 2 Case management 3 Child care 4 Criminal justice/legal services 5 Education 6 Employment and training services 7 Food/meals/nutritional services 8 Health/medical care 9 Life skills training 10 Mental health care/counseling 11 Outreach and/or engagement 12 Substance abuse services/treatment 13 Transportation 14 Other HOPWA funded service 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 144 (SSVF Services 4.14.D): 1 Outreach services 2 Case management services 3 Assistance obtaining VA benefits 4 Assistance obtaining/coordinating other public benefits 5 Direct provision of other public benefits 6 Other (non-TFA) supportive service approved by VA 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 151 (Financial Assistance - HOPWA Services 4.15.A): 1 Rental assistance [collect for PHP and STRMU] 2 Security deposits [collect for PHP] 3 Utility deposits [collect for PHP] 4 Utility payments [collect for PHP and STRMU] 7 Mortgage assistance [collect for STRMU] 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 152 (Financial Assistance – SSVF 4.15.B): 1 Rental assistance 4 Utility fee payment assistance 2 Security deposit 3 Utility deposit 5 Moving costs 8 Transportation services: tokens/vouchers 9 Transportation services: vehicle repair/maintenance 10 Child Care 11 General housing stability assistance - emergency supplies 12 General housing stability assistance - other 14 Emergency housing assistance 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 161 (Referrals Provided – PATH 4.16.A): 1 Community Mental Health 2 Substance Use Treatment 3 Primary Health/ Dental Care 4 Job Training 5 Educational Services 6 Housing Services 11 Temporary Housing 7 Permanent Housing 8 Income Assistance 9 Employment Assistance 10 Medical Insurance 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 162 (Referrals Provided - RHY 4.16.B): 1 Child Care Non-TANF 2 Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (Food Stamps) 3 Education – McKinney/Vento Liaison Assistance to Remain in School 4 HUD Section 8 or Other Permanent Housing Assistance 5 Individual Development Account 6 Medicaid 7 Mentoring Program Other than RHY Agency 8 National Service (Americorp, VISTA, Learn and Serve) 9 Non-Residential Substance Abuse or Mental Health Program 10 Other Public – Federal, State, or Local Program 11 Private Non-profit Charity or Foundation Support 12 SCHIP 13 SSI, SSDI, or other Disability Insurance 14 TANF or other Welfare/Non-Disability Income Maintenance (all TANF Services) 15 Unemployment Insurance 16 WIC 17 Workforce Development (WIA) 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 200 (Services Provided - Bed-night Date 4.14E): 200 BedNight 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 210 (Services Provided - HUD-VASH OTH voucher tracking 4.50.1): 4.50.1 VoucherTracking Value Text 1 Referral package forwarded to PHA 2 Voucher denied by PHA 3 Voucher issued by PHA 4 Voucher revoked or expired 5 Voucher in use – veteran moved into housing 6 Voucher was ported locally 7 Voucher was administratively absorbed by new PHA 8 Voucher was converted to Housing Choice Voucher 9 Veteran exited – voucher was returned 10 Veteran exited – family maintained the voucher 11 Veteran exited – prior to ever receiving a voucher 12 Other 99 = Data Not Collected</xs:documentation>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
      <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{1,3}"/>
Element serviceFAReferral / OtherTypeProvided
See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.2D (if it exists) .
Diagram HUD_HMIS_xsd_Simple_Type_string50.tmp#string50
Type string50
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxLength 50
<xs:element name="OtherTypeProvided" type="hmis:string50" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.2D (if it exists) .</xs:documentation>
Element serviceFAReferral / SubTypeProvided
See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.3A, 4B, 5C (if it exists).
Type restriction of xs:integer
content simple
minOccurs 0
pattern ([\-+]?[0-9]+) & ([0-9]{1,2})
<xs:element name="SubTypeProvided" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.3A, 4B, 5C (if it exists).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
      <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{1,2}"/>
Element serviceFAReferral / FAAmount
See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.15A #3 and 4.15B #2, Financial Assistance Amount.
Diagram HUD_HMIS_xsd_Simple_Type_money.tmp#money
Type money
content simple
minOccurs 0
fractionDigits 2
<xs:element name="FAAmount" type="hmis:money" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.15A #3 and 4.15B #2, Financial Assistance Amount.</xs:documentation>
Element serviceFAReferral / ReferralOutcome
See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.16A #2A.
Diagram HUD_HMIS_xsd_Simple_Type_referralOutcome.tmp#referralOutcome
Type referralOutcome
content simple
minOccurs 0
enumeration 1
enumeration 2
Not attained
enumeration 3
enumeration 99
Data not collected
<xs:element name="ReferralOutcome" type="hmis:referralOutcome" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.16A #2A.</xs:documentation>
Complex Type serviceFAReferral
Diagram HUD_HMIS_xsd_Attribute_Group_baseMetaData.tmp#baseMetaData HUD_HMIS_xsd_Complex_Type_serviceFAReferral.tmp#serviceFAReferral_ServiceFAReferralID HUD_HMIS_xsd_Complex_Type_serviceFAReferral.tmp#serviceFAReferral_ProjectEntryID HUD_HMIS_xsd_Complex_Type_serviceFAReferral.tmp#serviceFAReferral_DateProvided HUD_HMIS_xsd_Complex_Type_serviceFAReferral.tmp#serviceFAReferral_RecordType HUD_HMIS_xsd_Complex_Type_serviceFAReferral.tmp#serviceFAReferral_TypeProvided HUD_HMIS_xsd_Complex_Type_serviceFAReferral.tmp#serviceFAReferral_OtherTypeProvided HUD_HMIS_xsd_Complex_Type_serviceFAReferral.tmp#serviceFAReferral_SubTypeProvided HUD_HMIS_xsd_Complex_Type_serviceFAReferral.tmp#serviceFAReferral_FAAmount HUD_HMIS_xsd_Complex_Type_serviceFAReferral.tmp#serviceFAReferral_ReferralOutcome
Used by
Children DateProvided, FAAmount, OtherTypeProvided, ProjectEntryID, RecordType, ReferralOutcome, ServiceFAReferralID, SubTypeProvided, TypeProvided
QName Type Use Annotation
dateCreated xs:dateTime required
See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 5.1.
dateDeleted xs:dateTime optional
If the intended record is to be deleted, this metadata allows you to both indicate the record should be deleted within the target system, as well as indicate the specific time it was deleted.
dateUpdated xs:dateTime required
See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 5.2.
userID string32 required
See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 5.7.
Test XPath default namespace Annotation
if (not (hmis:RecordType/text() ='144' and hmis:TypeProvided/text() ='6')) then not (boolean(hmis:OtherTypeProvided)) else boolean(hmis:OtherTypeProvided)
if (not (hmis:RecordType/text() ='144' and (hmis:TypeProvided/text() ='3' or hmis:TypeProvided/text() ='4' or hmis:TypeProvided/text() ='5'))) then not (boolean(hmis:SubTypeProvided)) else boolean(hmis:TypeProvided)
if (not (hmis:RecordType/text() ='151') and not (hmis:RecordType/text() ='152')) then (not (boolean(hmis:FAAmount))) else boolean(hmis:FAAmount)
<xs:complexType name="serviceFAReferral">
    <xs:element name="ServiceFAReferralID" type="hmis:string32">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Reference to the Services' unique ID</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ProjectEntryID" type="hmis:string32">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Key reference to the Enrollment</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="DateProvided" type="xs:date">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.1.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="RecordType" type="hmis:recordType">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">The permissible values correspond to the decimal values of the corresponding Service FA Referral and Contact types. 4.12 Contact is "12", 4.14 Services Provided is "14X", 4.15 Financial Assistance is "15X", 4.16 Referrals Provided is "16X", Bed Night is "200", and is HUD-VASH OTH voucher tracking "210".</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="TypeProvided">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.2 (picklist values vary by service category and funder).</xs:documentation>
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 12 (Contact Location 4.12.2): 1 = Place not meant for habitation 2 = Service setting, non-residential 3 = Service setting, residential 99 = Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 141 (PATH Services 4.14.A): PATH Services 1 = Re-engagement 2 = Screening 3 = Habilitation/rehabilitation 4 = Community mental health 5 = Substance use treatment 6 = Case management 7 = Residential supportive services 8 = Housing minor renovation 9 = Housing moving assistance 10 = Housing eligibility determination 11 = Security deposits 12 = One-time rent for eviction prevention 14 = Clinical assessment 99 = Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 142 (RHY Services 4.14.B): 1 = Basic support services 2 = Community service/service learning (CSL) 3 = Counseling/therapy 4 = Dental care 5 = Education 6 = Employment and training services 7 = Criminal justice /legal services 8 = Life skills training 9 = Parenting education for parent of youth 10 = Parenting education for youth with children 11 = Peer (youth) counseling 12 = Post-natal care 13 = Pre-natal care 14 = Health/medical care 15 = Psychological or psychiatric care 16 = Recreational activities 17 = Substance abuse assessment and/or treatment 18 = Substance abuse prevention 19 = Support group 20 = Preventative – overnight interim, respite 21 = Preventative – formal placement in an alternative setting outside of BCP 22 = Preventative – entry into BCP after preventative services 23 = Street outreach – health and hygiene products distributed 24 = Street outreach – food and drink items 25 = Street outreach – services information/brochures 99 = Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 143 (HOPWA Services 4.14.C): 1 Adult day care and personal assistance 2 Case management 3 Child care 4 Criminal justice/legal services 5 Education 6 Employment and training services 7 Food/meals/nutritional services 8 Health/medical care 9 Life skills training 10 Mental health care/counseling 11 Outreach and/or engagement 12 Substance abuse services/treatment 13 Transportation 14 Other HOPWA funded service 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 144 (SSVF Services 4.14.D): 1 Outreach services 2 Case management services 3 Assistance obtaining VA benefits 4 Assistance obtaining/coordinating other public benefits 5 Direct provision of other public benefits 6 Other (non-TFA) supportive service approved by VA 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 151 (Financial Assistance - HOPWA Services 4.15.A): 1 Rental assistance [collect for PHP and STRMU] 2 Security deposits [collect for PHP] 3 Utility deposits [collect for PHP] 4 Utility payments [collect for PHP and STRMU] 7 Mortgage assistance [collect for STRMU] 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 152 (Financial Assistance – SSVF 4.15.B): 1 Rental assistance 4 Utility fee payment assistance 2 Security deposit 3 Utility deposit 5 Moving costs 8 Transportation services: tokens/vouchers 9 Transportation services: vehicle repair/maintenance 10 Child Care 11 General housing stability assistance - emergency supplies 12 General housing stability assistance - other 14 Emergency housing assistance 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 161 (Referrals Provided – PATH 4.16.A): 1 Community Mental Health 2 Substance Use Treatment 3 Primary Health/ Dental Care 4 Job Training 5 Educational Services 6 Housing Services 11 Temporary Housing 7 Permanent Housing 8 Income Assistance 9 Employment Assistance 10 Medical Insurance 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 162 (Referrals Provided - RHY 4.16.B): 1 Child Care Non-TANF 2 Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (Food Stamps) 3 Education – McKinney/Vento Liaison Assistance to Remain in School 4 HUD Section 8 or Other Permanent Housing Assistance 5 Individual Development Account 6 Medicaid 7 Mentoring Program Other than RHY Agency 8 National Service (Americorp, VISTA, Learn and Serve) 9 Non-Residential Substance Abuse or Mental Health Program 10 Other Public – Federal, State, or Local Program 11 Private Non-profit Charity or Foundation Support 12 SCHIP 13 SSI, SSDI, or other Disability Insurance 14 TANF or other Welfare/Non-Disability Income Maintenance (all TANF Services) 15 Unemployment Insurance 16 WIC 17 Workforce Development (WIA) 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 200 (Services Provided - Bed-night Date 4.14E): 200 BedNight 99 Data Not Collected In ServicesFAReferral, use one of the following values for TypeProvided when its RecordType = 210 (Services Provided - HUD-VASH OTH voucher tracking 4.50.1): 4.50.1 VoucherTracking Value Text 1 Referral package forwarded to PHA 2 Voucher denied by PHA 3 Voucher issued by PHA 4 Voucher revoked or expired 5 Voucher in use – veteran moved into housing 6 Voucher was ported locally 7 Voucher was administratively absorbed by new PHA 8 Voucher was converted to Housing Choice Voucher 9 Veteran exited – voucher was returned 10 Veteran exited – family maintained the voucher 11 Veteran exited – prior to ever receiving a voucher 12 Other 99 = Data Not Collected</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
          <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{1,3}"/>
    <xs:element name="OtherTypeProvided" type="hmis:string50" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.2D (if it exists) .</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="SubTypeProvided" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.12 and 4.14-4.16.3A, 4B, 5C (if it exists).</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
          <xs:pattern value="[0-9]{1,2}"/>
    <xs:element name="FAAmount" type="hmis:money" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.15A #3 and 4.15B #2, Financial Assistance Amount.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ReferralOutcome" type="hmis:referralOutcome" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">See August 2016 HMIS Data Dictionary, Section 4.16A #2A.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="hmis:baseMetaData"/>
  <!--Testing if the RecordType is '144' and the TypeProvided is '6' before requiring and even allowing the use of OtherTypeProvided -->
  <xs:assert test="if (not (hmis:RecordType/text() ='144' and hmis:TypeProvided/text() ='6')) then not (boolean(hmis:OtherTypeProvided)) else boolean(hmis:OtherTypeProvided)"/>
  <!--Testing if the RecordType is '144' and the TypeProvided is '3', '4', or '5' before requiring and even allowing the use of SubTypeProvided -->
  <xs:assert test="if (not (hmis:RecordType/text() ='144' and (hmis:TypeProvided/text() ='3' or hmis:TypeProvided/text() ='4' or hmis:TypeProvided/text() ='5'))) then not (boolean(hmis:SubTypeProvided)) else boolean(hmis:TypeProvided)"/>
  <!--Testing if the RecordType is '151' or '152' before requiring and even allowing the use of FAAmount -->
  <xs:assert test="if (not (hmis:RecordType/text() ='151') and not (hmis:RecordType/text() ='152')) then (not (boolean(hmis:FAAmount))) else boolean(hmis:FAAmount)"/>